I feel as though I am on the verge of developing a terrible addiction....to espresso.
It used to be that I would rarely drink coffee, especially espresso, because of the effect that it would have on me. After a shot I would feel like grinding my teeth down to nothing and then doing back flips around the room until my heart exploded. Occasionally I would partake if it was a late night out gallivanting on the town with friends but that's about it.
Back home I had taken to drinking mug of green tea in the morning to wake up a bit as well as for the anti oxidant qualities and health benefits. Now I'm downing espresso like it's my mission in life.
This all started a little over a week ago when I had a string of nights where I was getting about 3 hours of sleep. It has been very hot here lately and I have been with out a fan so sleeping has been replaced by sweating and tossing and turning.
I needed to function in the morning so to wake me up I started using the fuel that this country runs on. At first it was the same old story for me. I would buzz around for a couple of hours gritting my teeth and talking to my self with my mind racing from one thought to the next. Soon I started to develop a tolerance and my mind has been able to focus rather then scramble.
Now when I arrive in the morning I crank up the machine and pump out my medicine. "Who wants coffee? You want a coffee? How about you, you look like you could use a coffee. Coffee?, coffee? Any body? Coffee?". Now people are starting to call me a drug addict. It's funny because when I first arrived everyone thought that I was strange for an American who didn't drink coffee and didn't eat breakfast.
I've got to put down the tiny white cup and hop on the wagon before it's too late, before the claws are in too deep. If I keep this up then soon I be just another dependent, a loyal follower, another slave to the bean. I've seen what coffee can do to people, or the lack there of for that matter. One day the espresso machine had broken before everyone had gotten their fix. It got ugly. I thought that there was going to be a riot. I have never seen a repair man show up faster in my life. Apparently he knew the drill, because he didn't even bother to bring his tools. He just brought another machine and had espresso flowing freely in five minutes. It was very impressive. A mutiny narrowly evaded.
Luckily I have finally acquired a fan so that I can hopefully return to my normal sleeping habits. I also believe that I brought some green tea with me from home, so I'll have to try and find it in my bag. I guess I'll just have to see how easy it is to walk away. If I really miss it then I guess I'll try eating some more tiramisu. Ciao.