Friday, July 25, 2008

Overwhelming Sadness.

     Until today I hadn't really cried since my grandmother died. I forgot how much this feeling sucks. Today I found out that my good friend Chris Calvert died from heart failure at the age of 35. I'm not really sure what happened. I know that he was sick for a week or so and he went into Strong hospital the other day and his heart stopped. They currently think that it was a virus.
     I am at a loss for words. I guess that I am writing because it is my only outlet right now. Completely devastated, I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs. I'm sitting here listening to the Beta Band, the last song that was on his myspace profile, still crying. Chris really meant a lot to me and everyone else that knew him. He was one of the funniest, most kind hearted, sincere people that I have ever met or will ever meet. Along with many friends and family, Chris leaves behind his wife Jill and his seven month old baby Jacob Angus. I am so grateful that that I was able to say good bye to him before I left for Italy. He was an incredible friend and we will all miss him terribly.