This week is the Sagra Della Porchetta(festival of the Porchetta) in the town of Costano, about 5 minutes from Assisi.
Porchetta is an artisinal preparation of a pig that is believed to have begun with the Etruscans as far back as 900 B.C. La Porchetta is a whole pig that is gutted and boned out and then stuffed with various herbs and spices and then roasted on a spit or in a special oven. The artisans who make Porchetta di Costano are known as Porchettai, and are known through out Italy. Porchetta is a tradition practiced mainly in central Italy, primarally in Umbria and The Marche, but can also be found in Tuscany and Lazio, with Porchetta di Costano being among the most famous.
I was pretty excited when Chef asked if we all wanted to go to the festival because I have been hearing about La Porchetta di Costano since culinary school. It actually plays a roll in how I got here. Chef Tonelli actually met Chef Barbanera while making a documentary about La Porchetta for the CIA. Chef Barbanera is from Costano and he was acting a a guide for Chef Tonelli in the making of the video.
La Porchetta varies from village to village. The tequnique is the same, but the herbs and spices are different. Normally served cold in a sandwich, or tepid by it self,Porchetta di Costano is heavy on the fennel, which I love, and had great depth of flavor!!!! Yes!! Deepness!!! Finally got to use the term!!! But it's true. It really had an outstanding flavor. I was not the least bit disappointed.