Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Secondi Piatti

    "Il Secondo", is the main course of the meal and usually consists of meat, fish,poultry, or game. These dishes are normally served with a "contorno", or a side dish that consists of roasted potatoes, grilled vegetables, sauteed spinach, mixed greens, arugula,or any other type of vegetable preparation that complements the main course.
     In the first picture is my favorite dish that I have had since my arrival. Quail stuffed with goat cheese and chives, wrapped in pancetta, then roasted and served with preserved red onions. Off the hook, like whoa!!! Love the sweat and salty combo.
     Up next, is a nice,simple roasted salmon filet with roasted potatoes, fennel fronds, and extra virgin olive oil.
     Following the salmon is the work horse, the go to player/ star of the show. We have served more of this dish then any other times 10. It has made an appearance at almost every wedding this summer, save maybe two. I'm talking about thousands of pounds of pork tenderloin here people! Excuse me, thats thousands of kilos of pork tenderloin. Say it with me "Filetto di Maialino, bardato al Lardo, con Salsa Pecorino e Pera al Vino"'s a mouthful,I know, but it sounds really cool, like a nursery rhyme or a poem if you say it right. In english it's pork tenderloin wrapped in lardo with fresh rosemary and sage, roasted and served with pecorino cheese sauce and poached pear. Hands down that best pork tenderloin I have ever had. Again, with the sweet and salty combo, along with the earthiness of the herbs, and the lardo keeps it so moist. Lardo is cured pig fat that I will speak of further when I do a Salumi post.
     After the pork is the grilled lamb ribs with grilled vegetables, pretty straight forward.I really like the pic because it looks like it's floating in space.  Lastly, is the grilled "Galleto" or young chicken, with rosemary and roasted potatoes. Simple and deliciuos. No need for anything else....ok, maybe some wine.
     There is a much wider selection of main coarse items at L'Osteria, but with limited time, and picture space I figured that I would do separate posts for beef and fish.
     All is well here. Beautiful weather and business is picking up again now that September has started. If all goes well I will have a lot more posts coming up this month. Ciao a dopo!!!