Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saying Goodbye


     As with  many times in my life before an adventure, I had some sort of     grand, romanticized version of how things would go. This was one of those rare instances where the reality was better then the dream.....And I truly mean that.
     Aside from Enea being the most talented chef that I have ever worked with, he was also fun to work with,extreemly funny, an incredible teacher, and a wonderful friend. He really made it a great experience for me.
     The kitchen was amazing, I learned so much, I was able to see all of  beautiful Umbria, and everyone that I had the privilege to work with, I now consider to be a close friend, and I can only hope to be able to see them all again. 
     October 15th was my last day of work and everyone made it very special for me. It was a really emotional night. After we finished they gave me a bunch of great gifts, notes and pictures, and then we went to the local pizza shop for some beers. People were coming all the way from Spoleto to say goodbye. I still get a little choked up thinking about it.
     There were 18 of us at the restaurant all seated at one giant table. I was forced into making a speech, which is the kind of thing that I have never been good at in English let alone Italian. Some how I pulled it off. I kept it short but sweet and sincere. At the end of the night I gave my thanks and said my goodbyes to those that I knew I would not see before leaving Umbria. 
     On the 16th Niki and my mom arrived and we hung out at the restaurant for dinner that night. With Enea preparing to leave for his two weeks teaching in the US, it was just the ladies in the kitchen. After dinner, I said my goodbyes and there were some tears shed, but I knew that I would see them again before I left.
     I was able to go out for breakfast with everyone on the day that we left for Tuscany. It was a good way to say goodbye. We swung by the restaurant one last time before leaving town and continuing our journey.
     Upon returning to the US, Niki and I were able to go to Boston and hang out with Enea for Halloween. It was a great time. On Saturday, we woke up, checked out of the hotel, and drove from Boston to the Hudson Valley to drop Enea off at Chef Tonelli's house. We stuck around for some wine, an absoutely amazing dinner, and an all around wonderful time. After dinner, We said our goodbyes to everyone, I gave Enea a big hug, and Niki and I hit the road.
     To say the least, it was a bit difficult to adjust to the time difference and I have been a bit distracted since I have been home which is why it has taken me so long to get to the blog. I am afraid that this is the end of the road for My Umbria. Thank you so much to all those who have been reading along and sharing in my experiences with me. Also, thank you so very much to all those who have been writing me all those wonderful emails, keeping me connected with home. You all really made this feel that much more special.
     And a final thanks to all those who made this possible and made it awesome. Thanks so much to Enea, Andrea, Antonio, Antonio,Francesco, Maria, Giuseppe, Michelle, Marta, Ketta, Rossella, Enrico, Arturo, Giorgio, Roberto, Audette, Mimmo, Daniella, Banana and last but not least SPELLUUUUUUUU..............Grazie a tutti, buona fortuna, e ciao alla prossima volta!!!!!!!!!!!!