Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day everyone!!

              With many having the day off today, and back yard BBQ season coming into full swing please let us not forget what we are observing and pause for a moment to honor those who have fought and died for our country.
     I can only hope that everyone is as blessed as I am with the weather, because today is an absolutely perfect day. The weather finally broke and it appears that summer is here. All of the flowers are off the orange tree(a complete shame because they smell amazing) and I can see little oranges forming. I can also see tiny grapes on the vines and olives starting to appear on the olive trees. I can't wait until harvest time!
     Another weekend went smoothly. Saturday night was the Coppa Italia(championship for italian soccer)  so we listened to the game on the radio while we worked. It was a great game with Roma defeating Inter Milan 2-1.(hooray Roma!!)  We had a couple of parties, and I was fortunate enough to be able to work with some fresh porcini mushrooms even though they are hard to get ahold of now. These porcini came in from Romania and were so very tasty. I was informed that they do grow here now, but the true season of abundance for porcini is fall.
     I included a pic of a view of the valley and part of the church that is up the street from my place. I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday. Ciao!!!