Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Italian Drivers Continued....3

     Upon completing our tasks we set out on the road again for the hour drive back to Perugia. Chef Barbanera had to take a different rout to attend to business at another restaurant, and Andrea (The owner of Osteria dell Olmo) would drive the refrigerated catering truck back to Spoleto. Enrico Spera and I drove through the winding hill side roads of Norcia and back onto the highway. Were were to return to the restaurant the help with a busy dinner service that had recently begun. I was surprised to see that we were traveling the speed limit, and that there were far fewer cars on the road making for a very relaxing ride. I thought perhaps that the head cold had gotten the best of Spera and he needed tranquility. Realizing that we were taking a different way home, I thought perhaps that we were taking the scenic route back to reduce the amount of work we would have to do when we got back. After all, we had worked all day, and were on our way to work some more and young Spera looked like he was about to die.
     Soon enough Enrico explained to me that we had taken an alternate route because he had noticed construction on the highway on the way there. 
     It was dark now and we were on a winding narrow mountainous road with our speed increasing rapidly. I asked Spera if he had taken this road before and with a hearty laugh he replied "No mai, mai,mai"(no, never,never,never)
     Again we were 4 inches from another cars bumper, only this time it was dark and the road was far more treacherous. I was holding onto the "Oh shit" handle for dear life when we  come speeding around a curve to find two pedestrians in the road whom we narrowly missed. "Cazzo, Cazzo"!!! (#$ck, #$ck) 
     Continuing to speed through the hills we were now very late and Enrico was sweating. Long story short (or long story long). We almost killed a dog, two people, and an owl. The ride was insane and I was screaming a lot, but also laughing alot. I was able to see Assisi at night for about 45 seconds (absolute gorgeous). And the highlite fom me was when Spera passed a car on a part of the road where only one car can fit down. "Brovo Spera, Bravo" (I still have no idea how he did it). 
     We made it back to the restaurant in time to help with a bit of service and clean up with a great story. Enrico Spera is a fantastic driver and the ride was the most fun I've had since I' ve  been here. Thank god I'm alive!